Tuesday, March 6, 2012

5.13b Hosting recombinant DNA

describe how plasmids and viruses can act as vectors, which take up pieces of DNA insert this recombinant DNA into other cells.

-recombinant DNA- mixture between 2 genes.
-transfer structure into host cell.
-remove the nuclei acid, only want protein shell.
-the plasmid are taken up by virus (recombinant DNA) to form the structure (act as a vector of the recombinant DNA)
-help transfer DNA into host cell.
-this virus is known as phage and it infects bacteria cells.
-virus attach to cell membrane of bacteria and inset the recombinant DNA into host cell.
-end of process we have bacteria cell- contains recombinant DNA and human gene for insulin
-this organism has its own DNA and the DNA from another organism known as transgenic.

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