Tuesday, October 11, 2011

3.29 Species Variation

understand that variation within in a species can be genetic, environmental or a combination of both.

-variation- difference in phenotype of individuals. it is possible to count or measure and shown in graphic form.
-individual has a phenotype, appearance of an individual is because of their genotype, modified by the environment.
-variation in population is the variation of the individuals.
- Vpopulation= Vgenotype + Venvironment    (V- variation)

1. -different classes or group, this suggests variation in the population (which is variation in the spices) is entirely due to the variation in the genotype. environment is playing no role.
-eg. blood groups (A, AB, B, O)

- variation in population, variation in the spices- causes by genetic variation (variation in genotype) but the different group is modified to form the smooth curve (distribution curve) caused by the environment.
-eg. height (quality of your diet [environment])
-continuous variation

-variation in population or species (phenotypic variation) entirely due to environmental variation. genes have no role.
-eg. home language
-cannot be inherited.

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