describe the stages in the carbon cycle. including respiration, photosynthesis, decomposition and combustion.
1: photosynthesis CO2 + H20 --photosynthesis--> C6H12O6 + O2
-photosynthesis- using chlorophyll therefore light energy is trapped to form organic molecules such as glucose.
- carbon dioxide comes from the atmosphere and makes up 0.03% of the atmospheric gasses.
- photosynthesis is responsible for reducing the atmospheric CO2
2: feeding producer ------> primary consumer.
-producer eaten by primary consumers, so the primary consumer takes in the carbon of the producer and uses it to grow.
-the primary consumer is then eaten by the secondary consumer and the carbon passes along the food chain.
-all organisms are putting CO2 into the atmosphere through the process of respiration.
-all organisms are putting CO2 into the atmosphere through the process of respiration.
3: respiration- at each stage in the food chain each organism carries out the process of respiration.
-C6H12O6 (glucose) + O2 (aerobic respiration) --breakdown using enzyme in the cells-> release of energy+ carbon dioxide + water.
-respiration adds CO2 to the atmosphere.
4: decomposition- eventually there will be the death of the producers, primary consumers and secondary consumers. the organic molecules that remain are broken down by the decomposer organisms (eg. bacteria and fungi) and it will result in a release in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere as well.
5: combustion- fossil fuels- formed over millions of years ago due to the compression of plants and animals forming oil, coal and natural gas are combustion to produce carbon dioxide eg. industrial/motor (cars, aeroplanes, lorries all combust fuels)
-environment- lightning strikes vegetation causing forest fi res causing carbon dioxide to get released into the atmosphere.